Public Media from Michigan State University

State Senate rejects governor's plan to disband HAL

By Laura Weber, Michigan Public Radio Network

LANSING, MI – The state Senate has rejected Governor Granholm's plan to disband the Department of History, Arts and Libraries. The governor's plan would divvy the functions of the department among other state departments. She says it could save the state as much as $2 million.

But Senate Republicans say Michigan's historical perspective would be in jeopardy if museums such as the Michigan Historical Center were handed over to the Department of Natural Resources. State Senator Cameron Brown.

"The goal is to protect and preserve our heritage for our kids. They come through that museum, they watch us here make fools of ourselves sometimes, but I have to tell you they go over to the museum and they're inspired, they're encouraged, they're taught about all things Michigan," he says. "Let's not lose the crown jewel of Michigan's museums."

The Senate also passed legislation that would hand the functions of the department over to the Secretary of State. However the governor's orders will only be overturned if the House also rejects the plan before September 11.

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