Public Media from Michigan State University

MI counties may plow less this winter

By Steve Carmody, Michigan Public Radio Network

County road crews across southern Michigan are prepping for what might be the
first snow showers of the season. County road budgets have been squeezed in recent years by declining budget and rising costs for essentials like road salt.

Ed Noyola is with the County Road Association of Michigan. He says to stretch their budgets .many counties plan to cut back on snowplowing this winter.

"The other way they are trying to save money is by not going into overtime or working on weekends," he explains. "Granted, Mother Nature doesn't always cooperate with us but if there's a snow event or an event during the weekend and after working hours, we will make every effort and get out there and take care of the issue."

Noyola says the more money spent this winter salting and snowplowing county roads will mean less money for road maintenance and repair this Spring.

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