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Lansing to bond for consolidated garage

By Anthony Pollreisz, WKAR


East Lansing, MI – Lansing City Council approved a bond request last night to pay for the conversion of a soon-be-vacated transfer station into a local garage for city vehicles.

The proposed facility will combine two existing garages used to maintain the city's fleet of snow plows, police cars, ambulances, fire trucks, and other civic vehicles.

Jerry Ambrose, the chief of staff of Lansing mayor Virg Bernero, said the new facility would allow the city to operate and repair its vehicles more efficiently.

Ambrose also believes the time is right to request federal stimulus funds for the project.

"Federal government has cut-rate financing," Ambrose said. "We're trying to get under-the-wire so we can use that money."

Ambrose estimates the restoration would cost $4 million dollars, $3.2 million of which is being requested through the bond.

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