Public Media from Michigan State University

Snyder to lead trade trip to Asia

By Rick Pluta, Michigan Public Radio Network


Governor Rick Snyder takes off Saturday on a week-long trade trip to Asia that will take him to Japan, China, and South Korea. More from Michigan Public Radio's Rick Pluta.

The governor has visited all these countries before, but as a private citizen on business trips. This will be his first official overseas trip as governor - with stops in Tokyo, Shanghai, Beijing, and Seuol.

The governor says he has been laying the groundwork for this trip for months.

"I've had good meetings here in Michigan, but it's important that you go their home countries and territories and have that dialogue," he says.

The governor says this is mostly a relationship-building trip and he does not expect to announce any major deals. His itinerary does schedule plenty of time for private meetings with business people.

He says jobs and investment announcements could be six months or a year away. The governor is expected to focus heavily on pitching Michigan agricultural exports to potential Asian customers.

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