Public Media from Michigan State University

St Paul's Episcopal Church wall to be removed and reassembled following high wind damage

Workers continue to shore up the failing south wall of Lansing’s St. Paul Episcopal Church. High winds last week caused the wall to separate from the ceiling above, threatening collapse.

A construction crew has since stabilized the effected wall with steel bracing. The wall will be disassembled brick by brick, with special attention to the massive stained glass windows.

St Paul's Rev. Karin Lewis says a stained glass company from New Jersey is scheduled to arrive at the church to record laser-image measurements of the intricate windows before removal.

“Once that’s all completed a company will come in and remove it and take it away to Grand Rapids to be fixed" says Lewis. "Then they’ll start rebuilding it brick by brick back up.”

St. Paul’s Ottawa St location does have some lane closure, immediately north of the State Capitol building. 

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