Veronica Bolanos
WKAR News Intern-
The Eaton County Transportation Authority, or EATRAN, is conducting a transit study to better understand the needs of community members.
El primer festival de hamburguesas con olivas de Michigan se llevará a cabo este fin de semana en Lansing.
Michigan’s first ever Olive Burger Festival is taking place this weekend in Lansing.
El Hospital Henry Ford Jackson ha abierto un nuevo banco de leche. Solo la segunda de su tipo en Michigan, la instalación sin fines de lucro almacena leche humana pasteurizada de donantes para distribuirla a las madres que no pueden amamantar.
A hospital in Jackson has launched a program to provide donated human milk to mothers who are unable to breastfeed their babies.
The state is adding four more websites to a free internet tool that hides adult advertisements from children.
Mid-Michigan communities are celebrating Juneteenth with festivals, a march and music.
The founding executive director of Michigan State University’s performing arts center has died.
The Lansing Police Department is starting a new initiative called the “9 p.m. routine” to help reduce crime in the area.
Consumers Energy está poniendo en marcha su tarifa de verano desde principios de junio hasta fines de septiembre. Las tarifas serán 1,5 veces más altas de lunes a viernes a las horas 14 a 19. Eso es para alentar a los clientes a conservar su consumo de electricidad durante esas horas pico.