The big story for Michigan Primary 2018 may be the heavy turnout.
County clerks in Ingham and Eaton counties reported strong voter participation today. But there have been no complaints about long lines.
"Voter participation is up from previous primary elections," said Ingham County Clerk Barb Byrum.
When it comes to absentee voting, the State of Michigan said 701,178 absentee ballots were requested for this year’s primary. 575,638 ballots or 82 percent of them have already been turned in.
That’s more than all absentee ballots sent out or returned in 2014.
Clinton requested: 5,720, returned: 4,749
Eaton requested: 9,627, returned: 8,389
Genesee requested: 23,439, returned: 19,538
Ingham requested: 22,244, returned: 18,758
Ionia requested: 2,306, returned: 2,045
Jackson requested: 8,234, returned: 6,870
Kalamazoo requested: 17,401, returned: 14,114
Kent requested: 44,204, returned: 33,964
Livingston requested: 19,707, returned: 16,428
Shiawassee requested: 3,602, returned: 2,737
Washtenaw requested: 25,262, returned: 20,744
Wayne requested: 127,305, returned: 101,227
State of Michigan requested: 701,178, returned: 575,638
Source: Fred Woodhams, Communications Office, Michigan Department of State