Public Media from Michigan State University

The Last Runaway | Radio Reader

Dutton (member of Penguin Group, Inc.)

The Last Runaway, by Tracy Chevalier
Dutton (member of Penguin Group, Inc.)
Airs June 2 - 30, 2014

Fleeing romantic disappointment in her native England, Honor Bright embarks to America with her sister Grace in search of a new life.  Honor finds the rough- and-tumble ways of Ohio foreign and jarring.  The men spit and swear; the streets are full of mud, and the houses seem as if they were carved out of the wilderness.  For the first time, Honor also encounters African-Americans...along with a ruthless runaway slave catcher. 

As a strong believer in the Quaker principle of human equality, Honor soon finds herself assisting fugitive slaves on their way north to Canada.  

The Last Runaway is about American attitudes to their cousins across the ocean and vice versa.

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