Public Media from Michigan State University
MSU Today with Russ White

Out of the Darkness MSU Campus Walk to inspire hope while raising awareness and funds for suicide prevention

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The goal of the Out of the Darkness Walk is to start conversations that inspire hope while raising awareness and funds for suicide prevention.

Courtney Brown and Sarah Fay-Koutz are social workers with University Health and Wellbeing’s Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS). For the second year, CAPS is collaborating with the Michigan Chapter of American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) to hold an Out of the Darkness MSU Campus Walk on April 14. Courtney and Sarah are co-chairing the walk this year.

The goal of the Out of the Darkness Walk is to start conversations that inspire hope while raising awareness and funds for suicide prevention. The walk sends the message that when it comes to suicide, no one must travel on their journey alone.

If you or someone you know is in a crisis, please call 988 or text TALK to 741-741.


Conversation Highlights:

(1:51) – Frame the issue.

Courtney Brown, left, and Sarah Fay-Koutz in the MSU Audio Studios
Russ White | MSU Today

(3:22) - Suicide is a topic that no one wants to talk about.

(5:01) – What are some of the warning signs?

(6:29) - Myth: If you ask someone about suicide, it will give them the idea and encourage them to do it.

(8:43) – What’s the mission and the purpose of the walk? The theme is Hope Starts Here.

(11:20) – Participating in the walk is a “moving experience.”

(13:14) – “I see you. You are strong. Please give it one more day.”

Register and donate today for Out of the Darkness Walk MSU Campus Walk:

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