Bills moving through the state House would limit some of Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s powers.After Whitmer signed the current state budget, the state…
A bipartisan group of lawmakers say school busses need to be more secure. A package of bills would make it a crime to enter a school bus without the…
Some state lawmakers want to swap one holiday for another. Monday is Columbus Day, and a pair of bills would get rid of Columbus Day and make Indigenous…
Michigan students are a signature away from getting four snow days forgiven after a brutal winter left some schools closed for weeks. The state Senate…
Michigan students may not get any additional snow days forgiven this year. The state Senate unanimously passed a bill Tuesday that would have forgiven…
Newly introduced legislation would make Michigan the second state to lower its drunken-driving limit to a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.05…
The Republican-led Michigan Senate voted Thursday to strip campaign finance oversight from the secretary of state and have a bipartisan commission handle…
Michigan residents could register to vote online under bills nearing Gov. Rick Snyder's desk.The state House approved the legislation unanimously…
A bill introduced in the state senate would prohibit taking a weapon into an airport.As it stands now, federal and state laws state that people cannot…
Bills that have cleared an initial legislative hurdle would legalize online gambling in Michigan and start the process toward possibly also allowing…