Ingham County is considering redesigning parts of Mount Hope Road. The county road department is seeking public input on the proposed project.
Currently, Mount Hope Road between Hagadorn and Okemos Roads has four vehicle lanes. The proposal would change Mount Hope to a three-lane thoroughfare with a center turning lane.
County officials say the goal of the road diet is to help decrease the number of accidents on Mount Hope Road.
“With a four-lane cross section and that's more susceptible to rear end crashes,” Ingham County Road Department Director of Engineering Neil Galehouse said. “There's the potential for angle crashes, and sideswipe crashes.”
According to data from the county, there has been a total of 72 automobile accidents along the road over the last five years.
A 2010 study from the U.S. Department of Transportation examining the effects a road diet from four to three lanes had on crashes in Iowa roadways showed 47% percent reduction in total crashes. The same study demonstrated a 19% reduction in California roadways.
Galehouse said the public can share their input at a virtual hearing on Wednesday, Jan. 31 at 6 p.m. The community will then have an additional 30 days to send public comments via mail, email or by calling the Ingham County Road Department.