The contemporary bluesman from Chicago performs 'Walk It Off' and more. WATCH NOW
The encore set from contemporary bluesman Toronzo Cannon features "Walk It Off" and more from his latest recording, "The Chicago Way."
In the band with the Cannon are Dave Forté, bass; Melvin "Pookie Styx" Carlisle, drums; and Luca Chiellini, keyboard.
Recorded at Michigan BluesFest 2015 in Lansing's historic Old Town district.
Watch it at
Ep. 702 first air 4/22/16
Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs has awarded a grant of $18,000 in support of BackStage Pass from WKAR. The award comes with a challenge to match the MCACA funds with individual contributions. It's easy to Add Your Support Here.
BackStage Pass is supported in part by
Michigan State University Federal Credit Union
Michigan Council for Arts & Cultural Affairs
National Endowment for the Arts