Public Media from Michigan State University

Granholm to order more department mergers

By Rick Pluta, Michigan Public Radio Network


Governor Granholm will sign an executive order early next month merging two more state departments. The governor's says she will combine the Departments of Information Technology with the Department of Management and Budget.

The governor is trying to make the case that she is making government smaller and more efficient at the same time she battles legislative Republicans over revenue to restore some budget cuts.

The governor has set a goal of reducing the number of departments by half. She wants to eliminate some departments and re-assign their duties, or merge them. She says that will save on administrative costs and make it simpler to navigate the bureaucracy.

"The bottom line is we are continuing to what we can with less and less and less, just like everybody else is and we will continue to do that," she explains.

She said that during a stop in Mount Pleasant.

The governor says more mergers are on the way. She has set a goal of having no more than 10 state departments by the time she leaves office next year.

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