Public Media from Michigan State University

MI’s Schauer leads national Dem redistricting effort

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In last November’s elections for the Michigan House of Representatives,  49-percent of voters chose a Republican to represent them. Nonetheless, a headcount reveals that House Republicans comfortably outnumber Democrats, 63-47. The reason is the way legislative districts are drawn.Whichever party enjoys a majority in Michigan gets to redraw the districts in ways that enhance their power. The GOP had the honors after the 2010 U.S. Census count was unveiled. The centuries old practice is “gerrymandering.”

36 state legislatures draw congressional district lines comprising 336 total congressional districts. That's more than three-quarters of the makeup of the House of Representatives.

Former Michigan Congressman Mark Schauer is leading a multi-year, national effort by Democrats to address that imbalance between now and the next census. He's director of the Superpac Advantage 2020, based in Washington DC. Schauer was his party’s candidate for Governor just seven months ago and served a term in the U.S. Congress in 2009 and 2010.

Current State talks with Mark Schauer about Advantage 2020.

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