Public Media from Michigan State University

Judge is Asked to Move Up Special Election for Conyers Seat

Former Rep. John Conyers (D) Michigan

State attorneys say it would be very difficult but not impossible to move up a special election to fill the seat of former U.S. Rep. John Conyers.

A judge heard arguments Thursday on a request to set an earlier date.

Michael Gilmore, a candidate and lawyer, says the rights of 13th District residents are being violated by an 11-month gap without a member of Congress.

Conyers quit in December.

Gov. Rick Snyder ordered a primary election for August, followed by a general election in November. The winner would serve the remaining two months in Conyers' term.

Gilmore is proposing an earlier primary and then a general election in August. The winner would serve for five months.

Federal Judge Mark Goldsmith didn't make an immediate decision.

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