If you’ve gone walking around Lansing over the past couple of weeks, you might have seen something on the sidewalk: Poetry. WKAR’s Jamie Paisley has more…
During tough times in your life, it’s helpful to keep a little bit of silliness around to cheer you up. This week’s Public Poetry Announcement is a good…
Today's Public Poetry Announcement is inspired by the arrival of autumn.The nights are darker and the wind is getting a little more biting. But the bright…
Today's Public Poetry Announcement is "The Humanities Building" by Karl Shapiro.The world of academia can be serious and sometimes even stuffy. University…
We all respond to poetry in our own way. Some people like to pick poems apart to find their meaning, and others simply want to experience them. Current…
Yesterday marked the unofficial last day of summer. As we head into fall, farmers markets will soon be switching out their berries and peaches for apples…
The days are getting shorter and soon we’ll be trading in our swimsuits for sweaters. So, we thought a poem about endings would be appropriate for a…
Anita Skeens reads “Blackberries for Amelia” by Pulitzer Prize winning poet Richard Wilbur.This time of year, farmers markets are filled with all kinds of…
Current State's latest Public Poetry Announcement with Anita Skeen, Director of the Center for Poetry at MSU.It’s summer and that means that everyone is…
May is Older Americans Month and we’ve been featuring the voices of some of Michigan’s senior citizens. Today, we get a perspective on aging from the…