Veteran Lansing musician Bob Baldori talks with Mark Bashore about singing cashier Lucas Holliday, 'Boogie Stomp' at the Robin Theatre, and his career with Chuck Berry.
Now in his 6th decade as a professional musician, 'Boogie' Bob Baldori may be busier than ever. The Okemos resident will perform four times this week at Lansing's Robin Theater, including two performances on New Year’s Eve. He performs with his 'Boogie Stomp' collaborator, New York pianist Arthur Migliazza.
Baldori expects to be busy in 2017 with more than just his own music-making. Recently, he’s been managing the accelerating career of Lansing singer Lucas Holliday.
Last month, a social media video of Holliday singing at his job as a cashier at Lansing’s Dollar Store went viral.