Amy Robinson
Five days after the general election, the vote between Republican Julie Maday and Democrat Rebecca Bahar-Cook is too close to call.
A contested proposal to change housing regulations in East Lansing passed Tuesday at the ballot box, but in the end may be decided by the courts.
With 95% of the precinct reported, the proposal stood at 35,518 yes to 36,138 no. Sheriff said a defeat would be "catastrophic" for the county.
In the races for Prosecuting Attorney, Sheriff, and County Clerk, all three Democratic incumbents held on to their seats.
It may take a week or more for all results to be known. That doesn't mean there was election fraud.
La seguridad electoral y los plazos de certificación de resultados en Michigan.
Two days before Election Day, Vice President Kamala Harris spoke to young voters at Michigan State University.
Answering your questions about elections, voting, and election security.
The Rate Relief Mortgage program offers first time home buyers loans at one-percent below the market rate.
PolitiFact rates Rogers' debate statement that Michigan will lose 400,000 jobs in a transition to electric vehicles.